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Values You Can Believe In

Together we are better!


I am smart & determined, and I know what it takes to find solutions, navigate complicated governmental agencies, and get things done. There are so many things to do to reform government. But my focus this campaign is to:




  • Pass a Balanced Budget Amendment (politicians love spending money)

  • Reform Government to save money and make government more effective and efficient

  • Rewrite the Tax Code to make it fair and understandable (NO MORE billionaires not paying taxes)


  • Protect Social Security

     1. Maintain social security as is a separate, self-funded program,
     2. Eliminate the social security cap, and
     3. Return social security to a pay-as-you-go program, ending 'pre-funding', which has been a fraud used to fund the government.


  • Fix Health Care

     Support the Republican healthcare plan. A ‘mainstay of Republican healthcare reform for decades has been personal responsibility, by to supporting an integration of our tax and spending to discourage uninsurance, public insurance, and charity care rather than private insurance; and make sure everyone has private health insurance, regardless of how it is obtained – at work, in the marketplace or in an exchange.’ Sound familiar? For those who don't know Obamacare is in large part the Republican healthcare plan. However, if Republicans can not support their own plan, then a government-run, single-payer plan would be the next best option.

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